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Murad Prokhorov
Murad Prokhorov

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 X64 Msdn Hun Torrent 58 [VERIFIED]

lovejeet? i idolized yor knowledge about pc systems.i think you can help me i just wanna ask where i could download windows 7 ultimate 32/64bit with no expiration.thanks for your respons ?

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 X64 Msdn Hun Torrent 58


Ye links are dead and its really frustating. I got a laptop where hard disk crashed went to get a new one wanted to install but noticed the cd i had for my pc is professional and laptop is home, i need to home 64 bit version in dutch (i dont care the langauge, but noticed when on my msdn account that they make a difference between dutch and english version) So dont know if the key will work with english version. Its just a key from a laptop with the sticker on the bottom. Been looking for over an hour for the original version of windows but only finding dead links or sites that arent from microsoft so im doubtfull if there cracked or original versions

Sorry for the wrong link luxor, I have corrected it now. You can change the language to Spanish by following the instructions provided here by microsoft: -in/windows/downloads/install-languages-with-windows-update

hey, just wondering, I have my activation key on the bottom of my laptop and I would like to reinstall windows 7 ultimate 64 bit using the link above and I was gonna use my activation key at the bottom of my laptop, would that work?

now were now, Microsoft no longer selling windows 7 directly (retail) and pushing up all vendors using windows it actually depends, in certain country (like mine) 3rd party are selling OEM license windows 7 for a real steal (really really cheap) however they are one off ( which mean cannot 1 license only 1 PC, cannot be reused) license and usually will stick to current hardware your using. and this usually fall to grey area as Microsoft deem not worth the time and money chasing people for abusing the license agreement.usually this license only available to vendor (as in PC manufacturer like Dell, HP, Lenovo etc) as they need license windows pre-install on their products (eg desktop, laptop, tablet etc) =dV-rPRPZhRXso basically your stuck. or else search around ebay or whatnot if some of those 3rd party selling the license (who knows the license is original from microsoft or pirate generate license, which burn your money, really).

i had dell vostro i got windows 7 professional 64 bit cd with now it is showing some of the files have been missed, with out nowing it ihave started reinstalling os now it was not at all installing , i have downloaded professional 64 bit from your website but i could not copy image to disc showing some errors connot burn, whether can i install ultimate and use my old professional key for it

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