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Ernest Kazakov
Ernest Kazakov

Understanding and Communicating the Gospel in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures: The 3D Gospel

The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures Book Pdf

Have you ever wondered why some people respond differently to the gospel than others? Have you ever felt frustrated or confused by the cultural barriers that hinder your cross-cultural ministry? Have you ever wished you had a better understanding of how different people view God, sin, salvation, and themselves?

The 3D Gospel: Ministry In Guilt, Shame, And Fear Cultures Book Pdf

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to check out this book: The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures by Jayson Georges. This book is a concise, practical guide that explains how the gospel speaks to people from different culture types.

In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, why it is important for Christians who want to minister cross-culturally, and how you can get a copy of it in pdf format. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the book and the topic.

What are guilt, shame, and fear cultures?

One of the main ideas of this book is that there are three primary culture types in the world: guilt cultures, shame cultures, and fear cultures. These culture types are based on how people perceive their moral status before God or others.

Guilt cultures are based on law and justice. People in guilt cultures feel guilty when they break a rule or do something wrong. They seek forgiveness and reconciliation when they sin. They value honesty, integrity, and righteousness. Examples of guilt cultures are Western Europe, North America, Australia, etc.

Shame cultures are based on honor and shame. People in shame cultures feel ashamed when they lose face or dishonor their family or community. They seek restoration and acceptance when they sin. They value loyalty, respect, and reputation. Examples of shame cultures are East Asia, Middle East, Africa, etc.

Fear cultures are based on power and fear. People in fear cultures feel afraid when they encounter evil spirits or curses. They seek protection and deliverance when they sin. They value strength, security, and authority. Examples of fear cultures are South Asia, Latin America, tribal societies, etc.

How does the gospel address guilt, shame, and fear?

The book argues that the gospel is not only a message of legal forgiveness for guilt cultures, but also a message of honor restoration for shame cultures and power victory for fear cultures. The gospel is three-dimensional, and it can address the core needs and concerns of all culture types.

The book shows how the biblical narrative of salvation reveals God's solution for guilt, shame, and fear. For guilt cultures, the gospel is about justification: God declares us righteous by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again. For shame cultures, the gospel is about adoption: God welcomes us into his family by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who bore our shame and gave us his honor. For fear cultures, the gospel is about sanctification: God empowers us by his Spirit by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who defeated the powers of evil and gave us his authority.

The book also explains how different theological categories relate to each culture type. For example, guilt cultures emphasize original sin, atonement, repentance, and forgiveness. Shame cultures emphasize image of God, incarnation, honor, and glory. Fear cultures emphasize spiritual warfare, deliverance, holiness, and blessing.

How can we minister cross-culturally in a 3D way?

The book provides two evangelistic approaches for each culture type: one that starts with creation and one that starts with Jesus. These approaches are designed to help Christians share the gospel effectively with people from different culture types, using contextualized forms of communication and witness.

For example, for guilt cultures, one approach is to start with creation and explain how God created us in his image to have a relationship with him, but we sinned and broke his law, resulting in guilt and separation from him. Then we can share how God sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and rise again, offering us forgiveness and reconciliation if we repent and believe in him. Another approach is to start with Jesus and explain how he lived a perfect life according to God's law, but he was crucified by sinful people who rejected him. Then we can share how he rose from the dead and invites us to follow him as our Lord and Savior, who can forgive our sins and restore our relationship with God.

For shame cultures, one approach is to start with creation and explain how God created us in his image to reflect his glory, but we dishonored him and ourselves by disobeying him, resulting in shame and alienation from him. Then we can share how God sent his Son Jesus to become human and live among us, showing us his grace and truth. He died on the cross for our shame and rose again, offering us honor and acceptance if we trust and obey him. Another approach is to start with Jesus and explain how he was the Son of God who came from heaven to earth, but he was humiliated by sinful people who despised him. Then we can share how he rose from the dead and invites us to follow him as our King and Friend, who can restore our honor and welcome us into his family.

For fear cultures, one approach is to start with creation and explain how God created us in his image to rule over his creation, but we surrendered our authority to Satan by listening to his lies, resulting in fear and bondage to evil. Then we can share how God sent his Son Jesus to destroy the works of the devil and demonstrate his power over sin, sickness, death, and demons. He died on the cross for our fear and rose again, offering us protection and deliverance if we worship and serve him. Another approach is to start with Jesus and explain how he was the Messiah who came from God to save his people, but he was opposed by evil forces who tried to stop him. Then we can share how he rose from the dead and invites us to follow him as our Master and Healer, who can free us from fear and empower us by his Spirit.

How can we apply the 3D gospel to our own lives and relationships?

The book also gives some practical tips for cross-cultural ministry based on the principles of the 3D gospel. Here are some of them:

  • Recognize your own culture type and its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Learn about other culture types and their values and worldview.

  • Respect other culture types and avoid judging or imposing your own culture on them.

  • Adapt your communication style and behavior to fit other culture types.

  • Use appropriate illustrations and stories that resonate with other culture types.

  • Address the relevant issues and questions that other culture types have.

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  • Seek feedback and evaluation from people from different culture types.


The 3D Gospel is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to minister cross-culturally in a way that honors God and respects people. It helps us understand how different people view the gospel and how we can communicate it effectively to them. It also challenges us to examine our own culture type and how it affects our relationship with God and others.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can get a copy of it in pdf format from the author's website: You can also find translations of the book in other languages, such as Russian, French, Vietnamese, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Tamil, Portuguese, and Italian.

We hope this article has given you a glimpse of what this book is about and why it is important for Christians who want to minister cross-culturally. We encourage you to read the book and apply its insights to your own life and ministry. We also invite you to share your thoughts and questions with us in the comments section below.

Remember, the gospel is not only for one culture type, but for all culture types. The gospel is 3D. Let's embrace it and share it with the world!


Where can I buy the book?

You can buy the book from Amazon or other online retailers. You can also order a bulk discount of 50% (a case of 50 paperbacks for $225) from the author's website:

How can I learn more about culture types?

You can visit the author's website:, where you can find more resources, articles, videos, podcasts, and courses on culture types and cross-cultural ministry. You can also take a free online assessment to discover your own culture type:

What are some other books on culture types and cross-cultural ministry?

Here are some other books that you might find helpful:

  • Honor, Shame, and the Gospel: Reframing Our Message and Ministry by Christopher Flanders and Werner Mischke (editors)

  • Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility by Duane Elmer

  • Ministering Cross-Culturally: A Model for Effective Personal Relationships by Sherwood Lingenfelter and Marvin Mayers

  • Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O'Brien

  • The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity by Philip Jenkins

How can I use this book in my church or ministry?

You can use this book as a tool for training, teaching, or discussion in your church or ministry. You can use it for personal study, small groups, classes, workshops, conferences, or sending agencies. You can also use it as a gift or a resource for your cross-cultural partners or missionaries.

How can I contact the author?

You can contact the author by email at You can also follow him on Twitter at @HonorShame.

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